I am starting to read again and I am ever so happy. The last book that I completed was entitled, A Novel Good Hair by Benilde Little. It was an exact parallel of what a black woman goes through today. I learned from this book from the narrator's Aunt Thelma "life is never presented in a nice, neat package, and if it is, be wary."
Now, the term "Good Hair" means a lot in the Black community especially being a natural black woman. Many of my peers whom are in my black community, they will question this term and ask according to whom on Good Hair. The book addresses this in a very unique way. This is a must read.
So, I learned a lot from this book and the main lesson resonates with me now. My life is not a nice package. I have been going through a lot of ups and downs this year. I am 26 years old, full time job, graduate school, and running my small business. In the mix of this, the Lord found time to place the love of my life in my life right now. Now, I am engaged.
I could not be more than happy. However, I am engaged and its more than love. This is what I have learned, it takes communication and I am learning how. It takes compromise and I am learning how. It takes your full being.
In the mix of all that, I know that I could not live without him. So, I am making these changes in my life and just like he accepts all of me. I accept him. Life moves on.
My life moves on when I did not know how to pay rent the next month. However, It ended up happening. My life moves on when I moved to a new city with no money. My life moves on when I had to start my company from bottom up again. My life moves on when I had to read all night because my homework was due the next day. It looks like Aunt Thelma knew what she was talking about. Life is not a nice package. It is about how are you going to move through all the obstacles in life.